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264 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (June 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718896607
ISBN-10 0718896602
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PDF eBook (June 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718896591
ISBN-10 0718896599
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Eighteenth-Century Studies
Religious Studies
The Limits of a Catholic Spirit
John Wesley, Methodism, and Catholicism
by Kelly Yates
The Limits of a Catholic Spirit presents an extraordinary, in-depth study of John Wesley's relationship with Catholicism, examining the limits to which Wesley, as an evangelical Protestant, practiced his show more
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Kelly Diehl Yates holds a PhD from the University of Manchester in historical theology with research interests in John and Charles Wesley, the early Methodist movement and eighteenth-century British anti-Catholicism. show more
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Foreword by Howard A. Snyder
1. Introduction
2. Foundations of a Catholic Spirit
3. A Catholic Spirit and Jacobitism
4. A Catholic Spirit and Conversion in Ireland

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"By providing the first book-length historical study of John Wesley and Catholicism, Yates has broken new ground. This balanced study shows convincingly that Wesley paradoxically put into practice his ideal show more
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