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284 pages (65 col illus.)
9 x 6 inches
Kahn & Averill
Hardback (November 2022)
ISBN-13 9780995757462
ISBN-10 0995757461
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Eighteenth-Century Studies
Luigi Boccherini
Musica Amorosa
by Babette Kaiserkern, foreword by Steven Isserlis
'Ingenious, elegant, and pleasing - a treat for the most refined listeners and critical judges of musical composition'. Thus wrote Charles Burney in the 18th century about the music of Luigi Boccherini. show more
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Babette Kaiserkern holds a doctorate in Humanities from the Freie Universität, Berlin with a focus on Hispanic literature and music history. She has published essays on European and Latin American cultural show more
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Foreword by Steven Isserlis
Publisher's Note
1. Finale
2. The Cello and Music for the Cello
3. Travels
4. Duets, Trios, Quartets
5. In the Service of the Spanish Infante Luis de Borbo?n

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