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260 pages
James Clarke & Co
Hardback (August 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227178133
ISBN-10 0227178130
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EPUB eBook (August 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227178126
ISBN-10 0227178122
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PDF eBook (August 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227178119
ISBN-10 0227178114
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Paperback (February 2023)
ISBN-13 9780227178102
ISBN-10 0227178106
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Religious Studies
Holy Beauty
Prolegomena to an Orthodox Philokalic Aesthetics
by Chrysostomos Stamoulis
The philosophical and theological study of aesthetics has a long and rich history, stretching back to Platos identification of ultimate goodness and beauty, together representing the eternal form. Recent show more
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Chrysostomos Stamoulis is Professor of Dogmatic and Symbolic Theology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and has lectured across Europe, Asia and the United States. He is interested in the relation show more
   table of contents

Translator's Introduction
Author's Preface
Part I. Philokalia or Aesthetics? The 'Dilemma' of Contemporary Orthodoxy
1. Kostas Zouraris: 'What We Call "Philokalia" Is Not the Same as Western Good Taste'

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"An important and very engaging book that reads as a deep intellectual dialogue. Stamoulis has re-aligned the philosophical and theological debate around aesthetics with a delightfully fresh stance re-presenting show more
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