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188 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (July 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718896195
ISBN-10 071889619X
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PDF eBook (July 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718896287
ISBN-10 0718896289
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Literary Studies
Religious Studies
Literature and Religion
A Dialogue between China and the West
by David Jasper and Ou Guang-an
How does one culture 'read' another? In Literature and Religion, two scholars, one from China and one from the West, each read texts from the other's culture as a means of dialogue. A key issue in such show more
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David Jasper is Emeritus Professor of Literature and Theology at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and was for many years a Chang Jiang Chair Professor at Renmin University of China, Beijing.
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Introduction (David Jasper and Ou Guang-an)
From East to West
1. Literary Similarities and Cultural Differences: A Comparative Study of Zhuangzi and the Book of Job (Ou Guang-an)

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"This remarkably adventurous book has become possible because two longstanding friends learned to trust one another. Its readers will find themselves indebted to both the authors for their courtesy to one show more
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