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324 pages
James Clarke & Co
Paperback (November 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227177778
ISBN-10 0227177770
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Hardback (May 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227177808
ISBN-10 0227177800
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PDF eBook (May 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227177785
ISBN-10 0227177789
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EPUB eBook (May 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227177792
ISBN-10 0227177797
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Religious Studies
Before and Beyond the 'Big Society'
John Milbank and the Church of England's Approach to Welfare
by Joseph Forde
John Milbank's theology has shaped much modern political thinking both within and without the Church. In Before and Beyond the 'Big Society', Joseph Forde presents the first study devoted exclusively to show more
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Dr Joseph Forde is Honorary Research Fellow in Historical Theology at the Urban Theology Union, Sheffield. After working for twenty-six years in NHS management, he gained a PhD in Theology from the University show more
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Part 1: Locating John Milbank's Thinking on Welfare and the Church within the Anglican Socialist Tradition
1. Three Anglican Socialist Strands: Welfare Statist, Christendom, Revolutionist

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"In his wide-ranging book that does not shy away from bold policy suggestions, Joseph Forde offers a detailed exposition and critique of John Milbank, and a profound reflection on the Church's response show more
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