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The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (April 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718896119
ISBN-10 0718896114
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PDF eBook (April 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718896126
ISBN-10 0718896122
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EPUB eBook (April 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718896133
ISBN-10 0718896130
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Eighteenth-Century Studies
Literary Studies
A Time and a Place
George Crabbe, Aldeburgh and Suffolk
by Frances Gibb
George Crabbe, 18th-century poet, clergyman and surgeon-apothecary, is best known for 'Peter Grimes', the tale of a sadistic fisherman that inspired Benjamin Britten's opera of the same name. The brutal show more
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Frances Gibb is an award-winning journalist and former Legal Editor of The Times. She contributes to publications including The Times and Sunday Times, The Daily Telegraph and show more
   table of contents

List of Illustrations
Introduction A Local Habitation and a Name
1. George Crabbe's Aldeburgh
California: Crabbe recalled
Aldeburgh: A wild amphibious race

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"It is fascinating to rediscover Crabbe - then and now. Beautifully researched, A Time and a Place takes us into the intimacy of Crabbe's life as he lived it and re-establishes him into the everyday life show more
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