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344 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Hardback (May 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718895983
ISBN-10 0718895983
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Paperback (August 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718895990
ISBN-10 0718895991
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EPUB eBook (May 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718896010
ISBN-10 0718896017
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PDF eBook (May 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718896003
ISBN-10 0718896009
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American Studies
Nineteenth-Century Studies
Silas Burroughs, the Man who Made Wellcome
American Ambition and Global Enterprise
by Julia Sheppard
Silas Burroughs arrived in London from America in 1878 and proved himself an exceptional entrepreneur, taking the pharmaceutical business by storm. He was the brains and energy behind Burroughs Wellcome show more
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Julia Sheppard graduated in history from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and has spent her career working with military and medical archives. She was recently Chair of the British Records Association, show more
   table of contents

List of Illustrations
Burroughs Family Tree
Foreword: Sir Jeremy Farrar
Acknowledgements and Sources
1. Father and Son
2. On the Road

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"For too long, Silas Burroughs has stood in the shadows of his partner, Henry Wellcome. In this insightful and revealing book Julia Sheppard does a superb job of redressing the balance, revealing Burroughs's show more
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