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195 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (February 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718895952
ISBN-10 0718895959
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PDF eBook (February 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718895969
ISBN-10 0718895967
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EPUB eBook (February 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718895976
ISBN-10 0718895975
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Literary Studies
The Business of Reading
A Hundred Years of the English Novel
by Julian Lovelock
In The Business of Reading, Julian Lovelock charts the development of the English novel over the past hundred years. Smuggling in titles from Scotland, Ireland and the Caribbean, he focuses on twenty texts show more
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Julian Lovelock has spent his life in education, as a teacher, headmaster and university lecturer. He is now a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of English at the University of Buckingham, where show more
   table of contents

Referencing and Caveat Lector
Introduction: The Business of Reading
Part I: War and Peace, 1918-1939
1. Rebecca West, The Return of the Soldier (1918)
2. D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928)

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"A wonderfully engaging and lucid account of some of the finest novels of the last hundred years, this is the work of a highly perceptive and knowledgeable reader, writing - often brilliantly - for people show more
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