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428 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (March 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718894603
ISBN-10 071889460X
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Art & Art History
Nineteenth-Century Studies
Artist of Wonderland
The Life, Political Cartoons, and Illustrations of Tenniel
by Frankie Morris
Best known today as the illustrator of Lewis Carroll's Alice books, John Tenniel was one of the Victorian era's chief political cartoonists. This extensively illustrated book is the first to draw almost show more
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The art historian and artist Frankie Morris is the author of numerous articles on the work of John Tenniel. 
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List of Illustrations
Part I: Biographical Sketch
1. Toast of the Evening, 1901
2. A Pretty Place, 1776-1840
3. "Jan," 1840-1850
4. "Jackides," 1850-1862

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"Morris has almost certainly looked at every bit of art (extant and available) that Tenniel produced. Many of the theses advanced along the way are fresh and in some cases unprecedented. The book can claim show more
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