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215 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (February 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718895839
ISBN-10 0718895835
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EPUB eBook (February 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718848446
ISBN-10 0718848446
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PDF eBook (February 2022)
ISBN-13 9780718848453
ISBN-10 0718848454
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Religious Studies
The Liminal Loop
Astonishing Stories of Discovery and Hope
by Timothy L. Carson
Recent and current crises in health, ecology, society and spirituality have lent the whole arena of liminality a new urgency and relevancy. Those who traverse the great transitions are rediscovering new show more
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Timothy Carson is a pastor, curator of TheLiminalityProject.org, co-founder of The Guild for Engaged Liminality, and teaches in the Honors College of the University of Missouri. He is the author of Liminal show more
   table of contents


Foreword / Carrie Newcomer
Introduction / Timothy Carson and David McGee

1. The Path of Initiation / Timothy Carson and Suzan Franck
2. Wayfinding to Freedom / Lisa R. Withrow

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"In times of restlessness and transition, being poised on a threshold is almost inevitable and can be deeply unsettling. Carson's wide-ranging volume grounds these tumultuous periods, embedding them with show more
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