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243 pages
James Clarke & Co
Hardback (February 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227177587
ISBN-10 0227177584
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PDF eBook (February 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227907580
ISBN-10 0227907582
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EPUB eBook (February 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227907573
ISBN-10 0227907574
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Paperback (August 2022)
ISBN-13 9780227178379
ISBN-10 0227178378
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Religious Studies
Divine Audacity
Unity and Identity in Hugh of Balma, Eckhart, Ruusbroec, and Marguerite Porete
by Peter S. Dillard
In Divine Audacity, Peter Dillard presents a historically informed and rigorous analysis of the themes of mystical union, volition and virtue that occupied several of the foremost theological minds in the show more
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Peter S. Dillard is an independent scholar living in Tucson, Arizona, having received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania. He has previously published studies of St Bonaventure's The show more
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Introduction. A Cluster of Controversies
Part One: Carthusian Meditations
1. A Curious Legacy
2. The Difficult Question
3. Neither This nor That but Something Other
4. On the Contrary

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"How are we to conceive of union with God? What is the role of knowledge, if any, in attaining mystical union? Focussing on the thought of Hugh of Balma, and drawing Eckhart, Ruusbroec and Margarete Porete show more
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