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207 pages
James Clarke & Co
Paperback (May 2021)
ISBN-13 9780227177518
ISBN-10 0227177517
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PDF eBook (May 2021)
ISBN-13 9780227907504
ISBN-10 0227907507
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Biblical Studies
Discovering John
Essays by John Ashton
by John Ashton and edited by Catrin H. Williams and Christopher Rowland
This collection of posthumously published essays by John Ashton manifests his ongoing exegetical work at the end of his life. The essays explore themes arising from his groundbreaking study, Understanding show more
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Christopher Rowland is Dean Ireland's Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture Emeritus, University of Oxford, and was for many years a colleague of John Ashton at the University of Oxford. They shared show more
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Introduction by Christopher Rowland and Catrin H. Williams
1. Discovering the Gospel of John: A Fifty-Year Journey of Exploration
2. Really a Prologue?
3. John and the Johannine Literature: The Woman at the Well

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"Reading this book is a moving experience. Equally, however, one comes away from having done so with a head brimming with new ideas and perspectives to return to the Gospel and see it again in a fresh light. show more
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