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227 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (June 2021)
ISBN-13 9780718895785
ISBN-10 0718895789
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PDF eBook (June 2021)
ISBN-13 9780718848408
ISBN-10 0718848403
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Literary Studies
Religious Studies
Christianity and 'the World'
Secularization Narratives through the Lens of English Poetry A.D. 800 to the Present
by David Martin
David Martin was one of the world's leading commentators on secularization theory. He was also a committed and lifelong reader of English poetry. The present book develops Martin's argument against simplistic show more
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David Martin was born in 1929. He was a sociologist and theologian, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics, Fellow of the British Academy, and an ordained priest in the Church show more
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The Rationale of This Book
Chapter 1 An Overview of the Problem
Chapter 2 Ninth to Sixteenth Centuries
Chapter 3 Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

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This is a genuinely unique book. David Martin - probably the greatest British sociologist of religion in recent decades - maps out the basic tensions between Christianity's innate urge to construct an alternative show more
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