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292 pages (90 b/w illus & 3 tbls.)
Archaeological Reports, 28
American Society of Overseas Research
Hardback (April 2021)
ISBN-13 9780897571166
ISBN-10 0897571169
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Mediterranean Archaeology
All Things Cypriot
Studies on Ancient Environment, Technology, and Society in Honor of Stuart Swiny
edited by Zuzana Chovanec and Walter Crist
This volume is dedicated to Stuart Swiny who served as longtime Director of the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute, professor in Classics and Anthropology at the University at Albany, and archaeologist whose work on Cyprus now spans six decades. His research, mentorship as professor, and leadership as CAARI Director has had a profound effect on the development of the discipline on the island and benefited many archaeologists working there. This volume celebrates his contributions to Cypriot archaeology with papers from colleagues, friends, and former students, covering a wide range of topics that reflect his interests in the history and culture of Cyprus. Ranging from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic to ethnoarchaeology in the recent past, the papers cover archaeological landscapes, material culture, settlement studies, and regional interaction. The influence of Swiny's contributions is a common thread tying topics together. Beginning chapters recount the personal and professional history of Stuart Swiny, and the focus moves to academic papers that document his methodological foresight in archaeological survey and excavation, build from his prior work with particular artifact classes, publish new information about his major excavation site Sotira Kaminoudhia, or take inspiration from his interest and encouragement in studying all things Cypriot. Specific chapter topics include: Bronze Age climate change, textile technology, evidence for use of the opium poppy, ancient board games, Roman to modern carob trade, Iron Age Cypriot coinage, ethnoarchaeology of pottery production, and intra-island interaction in the Neolithic. The volume is also forward-looking, taking stake of where Cypriot archaeology stands after roughly forty years since Swiny's directorship began. It anticipates new projects, innovations, and approaches that the next generation of Cypriot scholars will use to build on his work. 
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