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328 pages
10 x 7 inches
James Clarke & Co
Paperback (September 2020)
ISBN-13 9780227177150
ISBN-10 0227177150
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PDF eBook (September 2020)
ISBN-13 9780227907160
ISBN-10 0227907167
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Religious Studies
Resurrection in Retrospect
A Critical Examination of the Theology of N. T. Wright
by Peter Carnley
In 2003 the British New Testament scholar N. T. Wright published The Resurrection of the Son of God, arguing vigorously that the Resurrection of Christ should be handled purely as a historical event - subjected show more
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Peter Carnley was Archbishop of Perth, Western Australia, from 1981 to 2005, and Primate of Australia from 2000 to 2005. He was educated at Trinity College, Melbourne; and at Emmanuel College and St. John's show more
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1 Introduction: Matters of Method
2 2 Baruch, Josephus, and The Wisdom of Solomon
3 Language and Experience
4 The Appearances Tradition
5 Paul and The Empty Tomb

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"Peter Carnley here provides the most painstaking riposte to date to the idea that the Resurrection of Jesus is simply another historical event accessible even to 'secular' historians. In so doing, he recapitulates show more
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