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296 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (September 2020)
ISBN-13 9780718895525
ISBN-10 0718895525
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PDF eBook (September 2020)
ISBN-13 9780718848118
ISBN-10 071884811X
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Religious Studies
Creation and Beauty in Tolkien's Catholic Vision
A Study in the Influence of Neoplatonism in J.R.R. Tolkien's Philosophy of Life as 'Being and Gift'
by Michael Halsall
This book hopes to invite readers into Tolkien's world through the lens of a variety of philosophers, of all of whom owe a rich debt to the Neoplatonic philosophical tradition. It places Tolkien's mythology show more
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Michael Halsall is a Catholic priest and teaches philosophy at Allen Hall, London. 
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Foreword by Alison Milbank
Author's Preface
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1
Prolegomenon to the Sub-Creative Genius of Tolkien amongst His Contemporaries

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"This is a rich engagement at all levels with Tolkien, full of suggestive comparisons with the tradition of the music of the spheres and with the modernist music of his own time. It is deeply scholarly show more
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