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485 pages
Beech Stave Press
Hardback (December 2018)
ISBN-13 9780989514255
ISBN-10 0989514250
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Language and Linguistics
Vina Diem Celebrent
Studies in Linguistics and Philology in Honor of Brent Vine
edited by Dieter Gunkel, Stephanie W. Jamison, Angelo O. Mercado and Kazuhiko Yoshida
Forty-one scholars from across the world join in celebrating the work of Brent Vine, whose prodigious oeuvre in Classical and Indo-European linguistics needs no introduction to specialists. The papers in this broad-ranging collection include not just numerous studies of the Classical languages and texts by authorities like A. C. Cassio, Olav Hackstein, Richard Martin, Alan Nussbaum, and Paolo Poccetti, but also work on more far-flung corners of the family, including Lithuanian (Daniel Petit), Lydian (Philomen Probert), Gothic (Jared Klein) and Tocharian (Adam Catt, Ronald Kim), with much more in between. 
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