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xii,158 pages
10 x 7 inches
Resources in Arabic and Islamic Studies, 12
Lockwood Press
Hardback (June 2021)
ISBN-13 9781948488310
ISBN-10 1948488310
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PDF eBook (June 2021)
ISBN-13 9781948488327
ISBN-10 1948488329
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Literary Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
The Poetics of Adonis and Yves Bonnefoy
Poetry as Spiritual Practice
by Kareem James Abu-Zeid
This book examines the work of two major poets who wrote in the second half of the twentieth century, Yves Bonnefoy of France and the Syrian-born Adonis (born Ali Ahmed Saïd). In conducting close readings of key moments from their respective poetry, the author illustrates how both of these writers, in their own unique ways, construct poetry as a form of spiritual practice, that is, as a way of transforming both the poet's and the implied reader's ontological, perceptual, and creative relationships with their internal and external worlds. 
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