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308 pages (139 b/w illus & pls, 4 tbls.)
Annual of ASOR, 74
American Society of Overseas Research
Hardback (December 2019)
ISBN-13 9780897571135
ISBN-10 0897571134
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Ancient Near East
The Excavations of 'Iraq al-Amir, Volume II
edited by Nancy L. Lapp
The Excavations of 'Iraq al-Amir, Volume II, edited by Nancy L. Lapp, with contributions by Michael S. Zimmerman, Daniel Ulvoczky, Nicholas Hudson, Adam Hartman, and Nancy L. Lapp, is the second volume of reports from Paul Lapp's excavations at 'Iraq al-Amir in 1961 and 1962. The first appeared as the Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Vol. 47, in 1983.

The presentation of the stratified corpus of the Hellenistic and Roman pottery in the Village excavations, from approximately 200 BCE to 200 CE, by Michael S. Zimmerman is a major portion of the volume. Along with the smaller pottery collections of the Iron Age, Early Bronze, and Byzantine periods, a major contribution is made to the growing quantity of characteristic pottery of Transjordan and its relation to the ceramic assemblages of ancient Palestine to the west and Syria to the north. Although early Iron Age pottery is present in the collection, the main Iron Age occupation was later in the period, even into early Persian times, and it is doubtful that there was an Iron I fortress there as Paul Lapp suggested. The pottery studies are introduced by a review of the history of the excavations at the site from the time of the early explorers and, further, by an introduction describing camp and excavation life in an area not yet touched by modern conveniences in the middle of the twentieth century.
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