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191 pages
9 x 6 inches
James Clarke & Co
Paperback (September 2019)
ISBN-13 9780227177013
ISBN-10 0227177010
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Hardback (September 2019)
ISBN-13 9780227177020
ISBN-10 0227177029
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MobiPocket eBook (September 2019)
ISBN-13 9780227907023
ISBN-10 0227907027
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PDF eBook (September 2019)
ISBN-13 9780227907009
ISBN-10 0227907000
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EPUB eBook (September 2019)
ISBN-13 9780227907016
ISBN-10 0227907019
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Asian and Pacific Studies
Religious Studies
Sino-Vatican Relations
From Denunciation to Dialogue
by Ambrose Ih-ren Mong
For those interested in Christianity in China, the state-church relationship, and the present Communist regime and its attitude towards religion, Sino-Vatican Relations offers a wealth of information and show more
   about the author

Ambrose Mong, PhD, is assistant parish priest at St Andrew's Church, Hong Kong and part-time lecturer and research associate at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His recent publications with James Clarke show more
   table of contents

Prayer for the Church in China
Foreword by Jean-Pierre Charbonnier MEP
Preface and Acknowledgements


1. Failure to Form a Native Clergy
2. Religious Policy

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Ambrose Mong's excellent book on Sino-Vatican relations discusses the complex encounter between them over the centuries. It covers not only the history of events, but also the lively political and philosophical show more
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