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146 pages
9 x 6 inches
James Clarke & Co
Paperback (July 2012)
ISBN-13 9780227680124
ISBN-10 022768012X
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PDF eBook (July 2012)
ISBN-13 9780227901045
ISBN-10 0227901045
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Religious Studies
Contextual Theology
The Drama of Our Times
by Paul Duane Matheny
For centuries, the global understanding of Church has been shaped by Western theological imperatives. Yet today, the decline of institutional religion in the West, and the extraordinary growth of the Church show more
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1 The Church Looks to the Future: The Encouragement of Contextual Methods in Theology?
2 Contextual Methods within the Theological Processes of Christian Churches

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"...There is here a useful, updated reminder of what contextual theology is at its best..."
Paul Ballard, Theological book review, Vol. 24, No 2, 2012.

'This book is a good resource for theologians,
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