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498 pages
9 x 6 inches
James Clarke & Co
Hardback (June 2018)
ISBN-13 9780227176689
ISBN-10 0227176685
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Paperback (December 2018)
ISBN-13 9780227176702
ISBN-10 0227176707
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PDF eBook (June 2018)
ISBN-13 9780227906422
ISBN-10 022790642X
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EPUB eBook (June 2018)
ISBN-13 9780227906439
ISBN-10 0227906438
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Religious Studies
Institution of a Christian Man
by Gerald Bray
Compiled during the early years of the Reformation, Institution of a Christian Man lays out the principles of the nascent Church of England. In his definitive new edition, Gerald Bray charts the development show more
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The Bishops' Book (1537) and the King's Book (1543) collated

Introduction to the Bishops' Book
Introduction to the King's Book
Faith (King's Book only)

The Apostles' Creed

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"The three official statements of faith produced under Henry VIII and Mary Tudor are at last given the full scholarly treatment they have long cried out for. Bray's indispensable edition not only gives show more
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