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336 pages
9 x 6 inches
James Clarke & Co
Paperback (March 2013)
ISBN-13 9780227173886
ISBN-10 0227173880
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PDF eBook (March 2013)
ISBN-13 9780227901717
ISBN-10 0227901711
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EPUB eBook (March 2013)
ISBN-13 9780227901724
ISBN-10 022790172X
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Religious Studies
Hindiyya, Mystic and Criminal, 1720-1798
A Political and Religious Crisis in Lebanon
by Renee Champion, translated by Bernard Heyberger
In this compelling narrative, Bernard Heyberger relates the fascinating history of Hindiyya 'Ujaymi, a highly charismatic eighteenth-century mystic of sinister repute.

Heyberger makes a careful
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An Aleppine Childhood (1720-1746)
1. Christians of Aleppo
2. Aleppine Women
3. Hindiyya and her Family
4. The Devout Cultural Model
5. Hindiyya and her Confessor

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"Hindiyya is a consummate piece of historical writing that combines biographical narrative, long-term structure analysis and good oldfashioned murder mystery. ... Hindiyya breaks new ground as a study of show more
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