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390 pages
9 x 6 inches
James Clarke & Co
Paperback (October 2011)
ISBN-13 9780227173725
ISBN-10 0227173724
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PDF eBook (October 2011)
ISBN-13 9780227903353
ISBN-10 0227903358
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Religious Studies
Philosophy Begins in Wonder
An Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy Theology and Science
edited by Péter Losonczi and Michael Funk Deckard
Philosophy begins with wonder, according to Plato and Aristotle. Yet Plato and Aristotle did not expand a great deal on what precisely wonder is. Does this fact alone not raise curiosity in us as to why show more
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List of Figures
Preface / Michael Funk Deckard
Introduction / Péter Losonczi and Michael Funk Deckard

Part One: Historical, Scientific, and Religious Contexts

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"Both Plato and Aristotle have put forward that philosophy begins with wonder, although they didn't take the time to define exactly what wonder is. The authors of this book examine the role of wonder in show more
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