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316 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (December 2014)
ISBN-13 9780718893644
ISBN-10 0718893646
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PDF eBook (December 2014)
ISBN-13 9780718842765
ISBN-10 0718842766
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Religious Studies
The Collar
Reading Christian Ministry in Fiction, Television, and Film
by Sue Sorensen
Combining thematic analysis and stimulating close readings, 'The Collar' is a wide-ranging study of the many ways - heroic or comic, shrewd or dastardly - in which Christian clergy have been represented show more

A marvelous mix of scintillating literary criticism and probing theological reflection, Sue Sorensen has provided insight into why funny stories are funnier and tragic stories more tragic when a clergyman show more
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