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380 pages
8 x 5 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (February 2010)
ISBN-13 9780718892074
ISBN-10 0718892070
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PDF eBook (March 2010)
ISBN-13 9780718896966
ISBN-10 0718896963
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EPUB eBook (March 2010)
ISBN-13 9780718896973
ISBN-10 0718896971
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Modern History
Religious Studies
Dissent or Conform?
War, Peace and the English Churches 1900-1945
by Alan Wilkinson
Dissent or Conform examines how churches reacted to, and were affected by, the two world wars. Its underlying theme, however, is how the Church can be a creatively dissenting community, focusing on how easily the church can turn into a conforming community that only encourages the occurrence of uncreative dissenters, the ones who criticize the power without offering solutions and leading to a real change. Wilkinson opposes this trait of the church, especially given the impact that it has on society as a messenger of the gospel. To this end, the author depicts religious groups during three periods of time: English Nonconformity among the free churches before WWI, pacifists and pacifiers between the two wars and Christianity during WWII, focusing on how church history interacts with the developments in history and society. This book is of particular interest to social and church historians of the 20th century, and to all interested in the history and ethics of war and pacifism. It will also appeal to thoseattracted by the interaction between church and society. 
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