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174 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (September 2011)
ISBN-13 9780718892449
ISBN-10 0718892445
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PDF eBook (September 2011)
ISBN-13 9780718843014
ISBN-10 0718843010
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Islamic Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
Non-Muslims in Muslim Majority Societies
With Focus on the Middle East and Pakistan
edited by Kajsa Ahlstand and Göran Gunner
In a world where almost all societies are multi-religious and multi-ethnic, we need to study how social cohesion can be achieved in different contexts. In some geographical areas, as in the Middle East show more

''With verve and insight, the contributors discuss the concept ''minority'', and suggest its replacement by the less divisive term ''citizenship''; the status of non-Muslims in a future Palestinian state; show more
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