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236 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (August 2008)
ISBN-13 9780718892012
ISBN-10 0718892011
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PDF eBook (August 2008)
ISBN-13 9780718842789
ISBN-10 0718842782
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Religious Studies
After War, Is Faith Possible
An Anthology
by G.A. Studdert Kennedy, edited by Kerry Walters
'There are no words foul and filthy enough to describe war.' So declared Geoffrey 'Woodbine Willie' Studdert Kennedy (1883-1929), a decorated frontline chaplain whose battlefield experiences in World War transformed him into the most eloquent defender ofChristian pacifism of his generation. Studdert Kennedy was also a tireless champion of the social gospel who wrote a dozen books, scores of articles, hundreds of poems, and preached countless sermons in both the UK and the US promoting economic justice. Studdert Kennedy's writing and preaching influenced an entire generation. William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, described him as a true prophet. Even though he has fallen into obscurity with the passage of years, Studdert Kennedy's message still inspires the likes of Desmond Tutu and Jurgen Moltmann. This collection of Studdert Kennedy's work, the first in 60 years, seeks to introduce this most relevant of thinkers to our troubled times. The book pulls together Studdert Kennedy's most important writings on war and peace, poverty, the problem of evil, the Church's role in the world, sin and atonement, the suffering God, love versus force as world powers, and the beloved community. Editor Kerry Walters introduces the texts with a biographical and thematic essay. 
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