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218 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (February 2015)
ISBN-13 9780718893903
ISBN-10 0718893905
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PDF eBook (February 2015)
ISBN-13 9780718843663
ISBN-10 0718843665
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EPUB eBook (February 2015)
ISBN-13 9780718843687
ISBN-10 0718843681
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The Resourceful Self
And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
by Donald Capps
Erik Erikson, best known for his life-cycle theory and concept of the identity crisis, proposed that we are comprised of a number of selves. In several earlier books, including 'At Home in the World', Donald show more
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Donald Capps is William Harte Felmeth Professor of Pastoral Theology (Emeritus) and Adjunct Professor at Princeton Theological Seminary. He is the author of Still Growing: The Creative Self in Older show more
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Part I: Reconciling Selves
1. The Melancholy Self
2. Dual Mothers and Artistic Inhibition
3. The Resourceful Self
Part II: The Primordial Resources

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"The deep struggles of being human are enticed to come out and play with hopeful possibilities that are as real and human as the struggles themselves. They are already there, deep within - in humour and show more
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