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108 pages
8 x 5 inches
Roland Allen Library
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (August 2006)
ISBN-13 9780718891701
ISBN-10 0718891708
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EPUB eBook (August 2006)
ISBN-13 9780718840044
ISBN-10 0718840046
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PDF eBook (August 2006)
ISBN-13 9780718840112
ISBN-10 0718840119
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Religious Studies
Missionary Principles
and Practice
by Roland Allen
First published in 1913, Missionary Principles is a classic textbook by genre, but in its controversial evaluation of the Church's missionary theories, it is by no means wholly traditional. At the centre show more
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Roland Allen trained for the ministry at Oxford and became a priest in 1893. As a missionary in North China, he worked for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and also in collaboration with the show more
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Foreword by Brian Stanley
1. The Impulse
2. The Hope
3. The Meaning
4. The Reaction


"The passion of his writing and the fundamental concerns which he addresses mean there is wealth of relevant and thought-provoking analysis in these highly commendable books."
Mission Catalyst, magazine
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