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170 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (March 2015)
ISBN-13 9780718893897
ISBN-10 0718893891
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PDF eBook (March 2015)
ISBN-13 9780718843632
ISBN-10 0718843630
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EPUB eBook (March 2015)
ISBN-13 9780718843656
ISBN-10 0718843657
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Religious Studies
The Gospel According to the Blues
by Gary W. Burnett
The Gospel According to the Blues dares us to read Jesus's Sermon on the Mount in conversation with Robert Johnson, Son House, and Muddy Waters. It suggests that thinking about the blues - the history, show more
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Dr Gary Burnett lectures in New Testament in the Institute of Theology at Queen's University Belfast, in addition to managing a high-tech business consultancy. He is the author of Paul and the Salvation show more
   table of contents

1. The Gospel According to the Blues
2. Suffering, the Gospel, and the Blues
3. The Blues, Jesus, and Justice
4. Violence, the Blues, and Peace
5. There Must be a Better World Somewhere

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"Gary Burnett's office is shelved with theological books, guitars fill the floor, and the drawers are crammed with CDs. In The Gospel According to the Blues, Gary brings his vocation as a New Testament show more
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