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162 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (September 2015)
ISBN-13 9780718894153
ISBN-10 0718894154
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PDF eBook (September 2015)
ISBN-13 9780718844417
ISBN-10 0718844416
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Religious Studies
The Art of Spiritual Midwifery
diaLogos and Dialectic in the Classical Tradition
by Stephen Faller
What comes after reflective listening? What comes after the ministry of presence? Spiritual midwifery is a powerful framework for offering pastoral care in today's fast-paced environment. Midwifery offers ways of thinking about those who are served,the work itself, and what it means to be a clinical caregiver within the tradition of the care of souls. Spiritual midwifery has philosophical and spiritual roots that stem from the earliest seeds of Western thought, even back to Jesus and Socrates.

Readers will find an inductive approach toward a conceptual model that offers insight for richer assessments and outcome-oriented goals of care. Part One sets out the metaphors of the midwife and the dialogue. Part Two unpacks the methodology behindthe mechanics. Part Three looks at creative applications of midwifery, and is followed by a Symposium patterned after Plato's own Symposium.

A rigorous theory remains at the centre of the work, but the tone is poetically balanced enough to invite the transformation of the spiritual caregiver. From the philosophy of Heraclitus to the theology of Kierkegaard and the spiritual direction of Guenther, The Art of Spiritual Midwifery brings forth a comprehensive conception of pastoral care and its delivery.
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