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190 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (August 2014)
ISBN-13 9780718893736
ISBN-10 0718893735
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PDF eBook (August 2014)
ISBN-13 9780718843267
ISBN-10 0718843266
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EPUB eBook (August 2014)
ISBN-13 9780718843274
ISBN-10 0718843274
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Kindle eBook (August 2014)
ISBN-13 9780718843281
ISBN-10 0718843282
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Biblical Studies
1 Timothy
A New Covenant Commentary
by Aída Besançon Spencer
In a thorough and insightful commentary on Paul's letter to his co-worker Timothy, which the Apostle wrote before and during Nero's persecution, Aída Besançon Spencer carefully examines each part of the show more

In 1 Timothy, more than any other New Testament writing, Paul has specific instructions for how Christian women are to present and conduct themselves, and how they are to learn, teach, and minister in the show more
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