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170 pages
9 x 6 inches
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (October 2012)
ISBN-13 9780718892975
ISBN-10 0718892976
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PDF eBook (October 2012)
ISBN-13 9780718841478
ISBN-10 0718841476
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EPUB eBook (October 2012)
ISBN-13 9780718841492
ISBN-10 0718841492
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Kindle eBook (December 2012)
ISBN-13 9780718841485
ISBN-10 0718841484
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Religious Studies
The Atheist's Primer
by Michael Palmer
Arguing that a 'new atheism', driven largely by Darwinian objections to God's existence, has limited debate to a scientific framework, The Atheist's Primer reinstates the importance of philosophy in the debate about God's existence and in so doing recovers the distinguished philosophical tradition of atheism, which Dawkins and others have obscured. Beginning with the Ancient Greeks and culminating with Hume, Michael Palmer provides the philosophical framework on which scientific objections to theism are hung. He explicates and comments on the thinking behind atheism, discussing issues such as evil, morality, miracles, and the motivations for belief. Although delving deeply into epistemological concerns, emphasising the disheartening limitations of man's capacity for knowledge and our materialist dependencies, Palmer concludes on a positive note arguing - alongside Nietzsche, Marx and Freud and many others - that happiness and personal fulfilment are to be found in the very materialism that religious belief rejects. An eloquent abridgment of his previous work, The Atheist's Creed, which was aimed at the educational market, The Atheist's Primer is written in fluent and concise prose, making it an accessible introduction for the general reader. 
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