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213 pages
Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization (The Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization series has been superseded by Studies in Ancient Cultures)
, 61
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Paperback (May 2007)
ISBN-13 9781885923462
ISBN-10 1885923465
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PDF eBook (December 2007)
ISBN-13 9781614910657
ISBN-10 1614910650
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Ancient Egypt
Sacred Space and Sacred Function in Ancient Thebes
Occasional Proceedings of the Theban Workshop
by Betsy M. Bryan and Peter F. Dorman
This volume presents a series of papers delivered at a two-day session of the Theban Workshop held at the British Museum in September 2003. Due to its political and religious prominence throughout much of pharaonic history, the region of ancient Thebes offers scholars a wealth of monuments whose physical remains and extant iconography may be combined with textual sources and archaeological finds in ways that elucidate the function of sacred space as initially conceived, and which also reveal adaptations to human need or shifts in cultural perception. The contributions herein address issues such as the architectural framing of religious ceremony, the implicit performative responses of officiants, the diachronic study of specific rites, the adaptation of sacred space to different uses through physical, representational, or textual alteration, and the development of ritual landscapes in ancient Thebes.
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