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288 pages
Assyriological Studies, 27
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Paperback (December 2007)
ISBN-13 9781885923448
ISBN-10 1885923449
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Ancient Near East
From the Workshop of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary
Studies Presented to Robert D Biggs
by Martha T. Roth, Walter Farber and Matthew Stopler
Robert D Biggs joined the staff of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary (CAD) in 1963 after receiving his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University. In June 2004, he celebrated his 70th birthday and retired from the show more
   table of contents

1. Masculine or Feminine? The Case of Conflicting Gender Determinatives for Middle Babylonian Personal Names. John A. Brinkman
2. Early Semitic Loanwords in Sumerian. Miguel Civil
3. Pecus non olet?: Visiting the Royal Stockyards of Drehem during the First Month of Amarsuºena 2. Gertrud Farber

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