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Ancient Egypt
Studies in Honor of John A. Wilson
by E. B. Hauser
This book is made up of twelve articles, sometimes brilliant but always interesting, contributed in honour of the seventieth birthday of John A. Wilson by his students and colleagues of the Oriental Institute. Contents: Zur Übersetzung der Präpositionen und Konjunktionen m und dr. ( R. Anthes ); Illusionism in Egyptian Architecture. ( A. Badaway ); A Ritual Ball Game? ( C. E. DeVries ); Foreign Gods in Ancient Egypt. ( S. H. Horn ); The Cruel Father: A Demotic Papyrus in the Library of G. Michaelides. ( G. R. Hughes ); Eunuchs in Ancient Egypt? ( G. E. Kadish ); Three Philological Notes. ( M. Lichtheim ); Thutmosis III's Benefactions to Amon. ( C. F. Nims ); Once Again the Coregency of Thutmose III and Amenhotep II. ( R. A. Parker ); Hathor at the Jubilee. ( E. F. Wente ); Some Egyptianisms in the Old Testament. ( R. J. Williams ); A Greco-Egyptian Funerary Stela. ( L. V. Zabkar ); Bibliography of John A. Wilson. ( E. B. Hauser ). 
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