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305 pages
Oriental Institute Publications, 90
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Hardback (December 1963)
ISBN-13 9780226621937
ISBN-10 0226621936
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Ancient Egypt
City of the Libyan Pentapolis
by Carl H. Kraeling
Ptolemais of the Libyan Pentapolis was founded in the second half of the third century B.C., probably early in the reign of Ptolemy III, on a site that had already been occupied for almost three centuries by the anonymous 'harbor at Barca.' Extensive remains of Ptolemais have always been visible and a careful plan of them was made by the Beechey brothers in 1822. Between 1935 and 1942 a number of sites including the Street of the Monuments, the Square of the Cisterns, the Palazzo delle Colonne, the Fortress Church, and the Tower Tomb were cleared and studied by the Italians under Professor Giacomo Caputo; and three more buildings, a villa of the early Roman period, a public building on the Street of the Monuments and the City Bath of the Byzantine period, were examined in detail by the Oriental Institute of Chicago under Professor Carl Kraeling between 1956 and 1958. The purpose of the present volume is twofold: to present detailed excavation reports on these last three buildings, and also to attempt a survey of Ptolemais as a whole on the basis of a thorough re-examination of the site carried out by the Institute. This was something well worth doing and generally speaking it has been well done. Even if some of the conclusions reached here must inevitably be regarded as provisional, we now have a broad and solid foundation on which future investigators can build, and for which they will be grateful. [From a review by D. E. L. Haynes in the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 52 (1966) 195]. 
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