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400 pages
9 x 5 inches
Ideas, Debates, and Perspectives, 8
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press
Paperback (April 2018)
ISBN-13 9781938770135
ISBN-10 1938770137
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PDF eBook (December 2018)
ISBN-13 9781938770616
ISBN-10 1938770617
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Archaeological Method and Theory
Political Science
Unmasking Ideology in Imperial and Colonial Archaeology
Vocabulary, Symbols, and Legacy
edited by Bonnie Effros and Guolong Lai
This volume addresses the entanglement between archaeology, imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, and war. Popular sentiment in the West has tended to embrace the adventure rather than ponder the legacy show more
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Bonnie Effros is the chair of history at the University of Liverpool. She was previously a professor of history, the Rothman Chair, and the director of the Center for Humanities and Public Sphere at the show more
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Table of Contents

Ch. 1: Archaeology and Imperialism: From Nineteenth-Century New Imperialism to Twentieth-Century Decolonization by Margarita Diaz-Andreu
Ch. 2: German Archaeology in Occupied Europe during World War II: A Case Of Colonial Archaeology? by Hubert Fehr

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"The impressive geographical range, the variety of cases, and the depth of analysis will make this volume a key reference book for understanding relations between archaeology, imperialism, and national show more
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