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332 pages
Museum Monograph, 125
University of Pennsylvania Museum
PDF eBook (February 2014)
ISBN-13 9781934536292
ISBN-10 1934536296
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Hardback (December 2006)
ISBN-13 9781931707848
ISBN-10 1931707847
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Art & Art History
Mediterranean Archaeology
Classical Sculpture
Catalogue of the Cypriot, Greek, and Roman Stone Sculpture in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
by Irene Bald Romano
This first complete published catalogue of one of the most important classical sculpture collections in the United States includes 154 works from Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Asia Minor, North Africa, Roman Syria and Palestine, Egypt, and Babylonia, ranging in date from the late seventh century B.C. to the fourth century A.D.

Each piece receives a complete description with measurements and report of condition, a list of the previous published sources, and a commentary reflecting the most recent scholarship, along with extensive photographic documentation. Various audiences will appreciate the accessibility of the scholarship presented here-students may engage in further study on some of topics raised by individual pieces or groups of sculptures, and the scholarly community will welcome a work that provides an up-to-date and comprehensive examination of a significant classical sculpture collection in one of the world's great archaeology museums..
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