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238 pages
The Roman World
The Classical Press of Wales
Hardback (December 2020)
ISBN-13 9781910589762
ISBN-10 1910589764
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PDF eBook (December 2020)
ISBN-13 9781910589946
ISBN-10 1910589942
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Coins of the Roman Revolution, 49 BC-AD 14
Evidence Without Hindsight
edited by Anton Powell and Andrew Burnett and contributions by Lucia F. Carbone, Hannah Cornwell and Guillaume de Méritens de Villeneuve
Coins of the best-known Roman revolutionary era allow rival pretenders to speak to us directly. After the deaths of Caesar and Cicero (in 44 and 43 BC) hardly one word has been reliably transmitted to us show more
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Anton Powell has published extensively on the history of Sparta, Athens - and the literature of the Roman Revolution. His monograph Virgil the Partisan (CPW, 2008) was awarded the prize of the American show more
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Anton Powell (1947-2020) / Kathryn Welch
Introduction and Acknowledgements / Anton Powell and Andrew Burnett
Coin types as political topoi: the paradoxical proximity of numismatic discourses during the Civil Wars of the late Roman Republic (44-29 BC) / Raphaëlle Laignoux

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