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The Unthinkable Body
edited by Rebekka A. Klein and Calvin D. Ullrich
In the era of pandemics, digitalization, mass migration and precarious ecology, the idea of what it means to live as a bodily creature is more important than ever. Description...
$137.00 (pb)
Plague in Antiquity
edited by A. Jamieson, C.J. Tully and L.A. Hitchcock
This volume came about based on the recognition that the rise and spread of Covid-19 has led contemporary scholarship to consider the possibility that there will be an increas...
$207.00 (hb)
Dirae - A Poem from the Appendix Vergiliana
by Boris Kayachev
The Dirae is a curse uttered, in bucolic hexameters, by an Italian farmer against his former estate confiscated to enable the settlement of Caesarian veterans in the aftermath...
$85.00 (hb), $68.00 (pdf)
Inventio meditativa
by Rafael Simian
The present volume develops a new conceptual perspective on late-medieval meditation, particularly in Hugh of Saint-Victor, Guigo II, and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. For the mo...
$88.00 (pb)
Four Books of Rates (1507, 1536/45, 1558, 1604)
edited by Stuart Jenks
These Books of Rates list - for the use of English customs officials - the official values of hundreds of products commonly traded overseas in the sixteenth century. What good...
$81.00 (pb)
Transnational Solidarity in Crisis
edited by Anuscheh Farahat, Marius Hildebrand and Teresa Violante
Crises are privileged moments of solidarization and desolidarisation. On one hand, solidarity-based institutions are often at issue in times of crises. On the other hand, soli...
$171.00 (hb)
Thermalism in the Roman Provinces
edited by Silvia González Soutelo
Thermal establishments with mineral-medicinal waters represent a special case among Roman bath buildings, not only because of the adaptation of the space to the use of these w...
$64.00 (pb)
Flavius Josephus and Artwork of Roman Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
by Steven H. Wander
Flavius Josephus, historian of first-century Judaea and its past, is among the most well-studied individuals of the Ancient World: "A veritable Josephus industry has emerged, ...
$194.00 (hb)
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